DApp: how the web changes in the era of Blockchain
Decentralized App:
a world of applications.
The term DApp stands for Decentralized Application and identifies programs or web applications based on a P2P (peer to peer) network or Blockchain.
Born as independent web file sharing tools, DApps in recent years have assumed increasing importance in the Blockchain field, becoming the main vehicle for the diffusion of this technology.
A DApp allows you to connect the real world and the virtual world by creating interaction between users, just like any web application, but exploiting all the potential of Blockchain.
Why DApp is better: the advantages of Decentralized Application
Like normal applications, DApps consist of a front-end, a back-end and a database. What changes is that, by operating on Blockchain, the information is saved on a distributed ledger and that the whole is automatically regulated by one smart contract.
democratic, solid
A traditional app works thanks to a central server managed by a single authority. This means that everything is managed by a single person, company or organization, who establishes the rules based on their own interests and can decide to change them at will, favoring some users and censoring or penalizing others.
But this is not the only problem: a centralized system is more vulnerable, because it can become an easy target for cyber attacks or be exposed to serious consequences in the event of data loss or errors.
A DApp allows both aspects to be resolved at the root: on the one hand, the consensus is no longer in the hands of a single subject but entrusted to the system of nodes on the Blockchain and therefore decentralized; on the other, with the Decentralized App there is no Single Point of Failure (SPOF), that is a single point of vulnerability, since in the event of a failure of a network node, the data remains safe and available on all the others.
More advanced,
Every DApp is an open source application: its source code is not exclusively available to developers, but open, visible and modifiable by all, and any change is governed by the distributed consent mechanism of the Blockchain.
The fact of being open makes them more versatile and destined to evolve more rapidly, becoming more and more efficient, adapting to the needs of those who use them and to technology updates, thanks to the contribution of a large and heterogeneous community of subjects.
Furthermore, through DApps all data is filed in a public and immutable register, thus reducing the risk of information loss, sale or theft by malicious parties, to protect the privacy of users.
Each to
their own DApp
There is a DApp for every need, from entertainment to finance, and new ones are born every day, with increasingly useful and original applications aimed at individuals and businesses in any sector.
& Decentralized gaming
The most famous example is surely CryptoKitties, but there are now many DApps popular in the world of gaming, collectibles and online role-playing games, solutions that combine entertainment with the possibility of obtaining a reward in terms of tokens and cryptocurrencies.
Decentralized Marketplace
on Blockchain
Alongside traditional ecommerce platforms, new Blockchain technology-based marketplaces are emerging, able to exploit all the benefits in terms of economic, safety, transparency and reliability. Between DApps the most widespread are those dedicated to the sale of NFTs and other digital assets.
Decentralized Exchange
They are the basis of the phenomenon of DeFi , decentralized finance. These are decentralized exchange web applications (DEX) that allow users to trade and exchange cryptocurrencies with other assets without the need for a central authority to act as an intermediary.
And the casino
also becomes decentralized
The DApps has also become very popular in the betting industry, from sports betting to classic casino games. Compared to standard online gaming platforms, DApps games offer advantages in terms of lower commissions and payment security.